J’écoute et je comprends!

Voici un lien pour la vidéo qu’on a regardée en classe aujourd’hui.


First, we listened to the video, without watching it. We wrote down all the words that we could hear, and then made a list as a class. Next, we highlighted what we thought were the most important words. We tried to recall how many speakers there were and, based on the words we heard and highlighted, what they might be doing/talking about. Finally, we watched the video and found out that – wow! – we can understand a lot, just by listening! (These videos are from TFO – Ontario’s French television station – which caters to francophones living in Ontario.)





6 thoughts on “J’écoute et je comprends!

  1. Toulemon a la classe de Mrs.MacGilvary et les otre classe ecoute beacoup de mots.

  2. Je pense qui tout le monde ecoute mais ne pas comprends tout le mot mais apres que on regarde le video tout le monde comprende le mot.

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