La nuit sur l’étang

La Nuit sur l’étang est un festival franco-ontarien qui se passe chaque année à Sudbury au nord de l’Ontario.   Dans la classe, on apprend une chanson qui s’appelle « La grenouille » qui est par le groupe Leïla et qui a gagné le concours (contest) de musique au festival La Nuit sur l’étang.  Ce concours s’appelle La Brunante.

Clique sur l’image pour visiter le siteweb du festival.  Quand tu es là, tu peux cliquer sur Vidéos pour voir un peu des concerts.

Est-ce que tu aimes chanter?  Est-ce que tu aimes des festivals de musique?  Quelle chanson sur le siteweb du festival La Nuit sur l’étang est-ce que tu aimes le plus?


In Kindergarten this week, we reviewed these words for our game of Twister. We only had time for a few students to have a turn this week, but I hope to bring back the game soon since the kids were pretty excited about it. (Merci, Madame Bonsor!)

We also sang the kids’ favourite song, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Violette and read the big book of our play, La poule Maboule.

We had a teacher from another school visit our French class and she was very impressed by how many kids were able to speak and sing in French. Great job! (I was pretty proud too!)

J’écoute et je comprends!

Voici un lien pour la vidéo qu’on a regardée en classe aujourd’hui.

First, we listened to the video, without watching it. We wrote down all the words that we could hear, and then made a list as a class. Next, we highlighted what we thought were the most important words. We tried to recall how many speakers there were and, based on the words we heard and highlighted, what they might be doing/talking about. Finally, we watched the video and found out that – wow! – we can understand a lot, just by listening! (These videos are from TFO – Ontario’s French television station – which caters to francophones living in Ontario.)



