
Wow!  Some great  progress with ukulele this week!  Here are a few reminders about using Yousician:

  1. If you create your own account, please use your school e-mail address.  
  2. If you share a device with a brother or sister who is also using Yousician, you can each create your own account.  The way to sign out is by tapping on Settings, Profile, Sign out.  Once signed out, you can sign in with a different account on the same device.
  3. Even though only certain songs correspond to « islands », it is important to watch all of the videos and try out as many of the songs as you can.  This will actually help speed up your progress!
  4. In practice mode, you can slow down the tempo and practice the sections that you are having the most trouble with. This is a great strategy for improving!
  5. If  you have your own account and want to link to mine so that I can see your progress, click here and follow the instructions listed in section 2a.  My username is mmerudick.Graph - 2016-05-06

Grade 4 Update

This week, Mrs. MacGillivray’s grade 4s had French with M. Dillabaugh, while I taught his class music. It was a fun swap! While with « Monsieur », the students talked and wrote about their projects for the Creativity Fair.

Of course, we still had our regular music class together. Lots of the kids are making great progress with the ukulele!

We will be back to French together next week and I will continue running ukulele clubs at some recesses, for interested students.20160421-230729.jpg



